With the arrival of September just around the corner, it can only mean one thing – the end of summer. And while the thought of leaving the warmer weather behind may be giving some of us the blues, many of us prefer the cooler weather and the leafy greens and root vegetables that come along with it. So, which fall vegetables actually favor that autumn nip in the air? We’re going to take you through 3 vegetables that thrive in the cooler months, so you can know what’s in season (and what you should be ordering at a restaurant).

Pumpkin pie, pasta with pumpkin cream sauce, pumpkin cheesecake – pumpkins aren’t just for carving. It’s important to remember that while pumpkins thrive in the autumn months, they should be planted before the summer even begins. This time frame spans from May through June, depending on the variety to be grown.
Garden Design tells us more about planting pumpkins for the autumn months:
“Not many vegetables say ‘fall’ like pumpkins do. They come in a huge range of colors and sizes. Jack-o-lantern pumpkins have thin inside flesh and a thick skin, but the best varieties for eating have thicker flesh and thinner skin, like ‘Baby Pam’ or ‘Long Pie’. Pumpkins need room to roam, as their vines can reach up to 30 feet. They can be grown on trellises to gain more square feet of growing space.”
Cabbage is best from late fall to early spring, making it the ideal complement to your meals in the cooler weather. Cabbage is a great way to build your immune system for the cooler months of fall, as it contains vitamin C, as well as digestive fiber and sulforaphane, and has anti-inflammatory properties.
The Kitchn explains why cabbage is one of their favorite autumn vegetables:
“Cabbage is one of those vegetables that seems to be in season all year round, but if you’re spying it out at the farmers market, it’s probably now. Cruciferous vegetables ripen at the end of the summer and also get a little sweeter as the weather gets colder.”
Best grown in the spring and fall, lettuce is one of our favorite autumn vegetables. Lettuce is a cool-season vegetable that grows quickly, isn’t overly demanding, and best thrives when the weather is not too hot. Plus, it can be grown in raised beds and containers, making growing this vegetable in small spaces possible.
Gilmour.com tells us more about planting lettuce:
“Sweet, tender lettuce should be planted 4 to 8 weeks before the first frost and can be harvested at all stages, from baby leaf to full head. Try succession planting your favorite varieties for salad all season long. Lettuce can make it through the winter if grown under row cover or in a cold frame.”
Looking to order a deliciously crisp autumn salad? Your favorite restaurants may already have them on their menu! Have a look at all restaurants to compare food menus.